
Parses HTML and replaces with PHP based on cybdata and cybkey attributes.

Chrome ExtensionDemo VideoWiki Page

Use in: pagebuilder_custom_helper.php
Inside: customSortedListBlocks()

Reload the CMS after saving changes.
Use in: amsd_custom_helper.php
Inside: field_builder_custom_preset()

Check for duplicates, some custom field types may already exist.
Make sure you're in the correct database before running SQL.
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input example

<div cybdata="text" cybkey="Heading">Welcome to Our Website</div>

output example

<div><?= $DATA['Heading'] ?></div>


Detailed Example (Homepage Section)


Detailed Example (AMSD Page)



cybkey attributes are used to identify the name/key of the data source:

ex: cybkey="Name of Input"

output: <?= $DATA['Name of Input'] ?>


cybdata attributes are used to identify the type of data being replaced
(Only one cybdata attribute can be added per element)

Types of cybdata attributes:

text / html

Replaces text / inner html.


Replaces text and uses nl2br(); to convert new lines into line breaks


Similar to textarea, but if no value is set it will pull from the html field.

Add a numeric value to set amount of characters pulled from the html field. Ex: previewtext200 If no value is set, the default is 200.

If an html field does not already exist, this will automatically add an html field to the AMSD Table SQL data.


Replaces href attribute


Adds a standard url field, but if no url is set, it links to the profile page

href="<?= isset($ITEM->url) ? $ITEM->url : amsdProfileSlug($page, $amsd, $ITEM) ?>"

If an html field does not already exist, this will automatically add an html field to the AMSD Table SQL data.


Replaces all html within element with:
<i class="<?= $ITEM->cybkey ?>"</i>


(Standard Image)
Replaces src attribute

Add a numeric value to set size of image pulled
Ex: cybdata="img1000" pulls image using /1000

Numeric values should be divisible by 100
If no numeric value is added the default is 1000px


(Background Image or focused_img)
Replaces style attribute

Add a numeric value to set size of image pulled
Ex: cybdata="bg2000" pulls image using /2000

Numeric values should be divisible by 100
If no numeric value is added the default is 2000px


sorted_list or amsd within amsd
Wraps first child element with a loop, removes remaining child elements

Loop format:
<? foreach(json_decode($DATA['cybkey'] ) as $k => $cybkey_ITEM) { ?>


Wraps first child element with a standard AMSD loop, removes remaining child elements

Loop format:
<? foreach($amsd["data"] as $k => $ITEM) { ?>


Define a block for the block builder data. The cybkey value gets used as the block title and template name. If no cybkey is set, it will use the first class name.

Defaults to a strings block unless an AMSD loop exists. If a child element with cybdata="amsd" exists, then it will be considered an AMSD block.

Any child elements with cybdata that are outsdie of the AMSD loop with get added onto the AMSD block as "Additional Settings".


Replaces text, and adds href attribute with tel:+1


Replaces text, and adds href attribute with mailto:


Replaces text and href attributes. If a child element has cybdata="buttontext" then the button's text will be placed inside of that element instead.


Replaces text, only works if a parent element also has cybdata set to button.

Use if the button's text needs to be wrapped with a span or another div inside of the button. If not used, the button's text will sit directly inside the button element.


Replaces text with date format: "F j, Y"


Replaces text with time format: "g:ia"


Replaces element with: <? printWebflowMenu(); ?>


Replaces element with a logo-home-link including a logo-image and logo-scrolled:

<a href="/home" class="logo-home-link w-nav-brand" title="Home"><img src="/image/<?= $DEV_CONFIG['Logo'] ?>/600" alt="<?= $owner->site_title ?>" class="logo-image"><img src="/image/<?= $DEV_CONFIG['Logo on Scroll'] ?>/600" alt="<?= $owner->site_title ?>" class="logo-scrolled"></a>


Replaces element with a footer-logo-link-block including a footer-logo image.

<a href="/home" class="footer-logo-link-block w-inline-block" title="Home"><img src="/image/<?= $DEV_CONFIG['Logo in Footer'] ?>/600" alt="<?= $owner->site_title ?>" class="footer-logo"></a>


Replaces element with:
<? printBlock(ALERT_BAR_BLOCK_ID); ?>


Replaces element with:
<? printBlock(POPUP_BLOCK_ID); ?>


Replaces element with a background video which works off of a vimeo or youtube video id

The php snippet detects if the video id is from vimeo or youtube based off of the number of characters (youtube has 11 characters and vimeo has 8)

The background video structure includes an iframe inside of 3 nested divs in order to get the responsive css to work correctly

The div structure looks like this:

<div class="video-background-wrapper-outer">
<div class="video-background-wrapper-inner">
<div class="video-background">
<iframe class="cms-video-vimeo"></iframe>


Replaces element with a Cybernautic tag


Use $ITEM instead of $DATA for all child elements with cybdata


Use $COMMON_ITEMS instead of $DATA for all child elements with cybdata


Wraps the element in an if statement, ex:

<div class="image-wrapper" cybdata="ifisset" cybkey="Image"></div>

<? if(isset($DATA['Image'])) { ?><div class="image-wrapper"></div><? } ?>